
Check out our award winning blog and search thousands of articles with information about travel destinations, backpacking, gap years and activities like volunteering, teaching, working, interning, studying and living abroad. Get inspired to travel the world with our ideas for places to visit, things to do and budget tips.

Things People Most Dislike About Travelling

Things People Most Dislike About Travelling

Travelling is amazing isn't it? Well, we are always on the look out for opinions and this week on our popular social media pages we asked our followers what they disliked most about traveling abroad.


Guide to India

Guide to India's Holi Festival of Colours

India is a vibrant nation and every year millions of people celebrate the Holi Festival of Colours.


Top 10 Friendliest Countries in the World to Visit

Top 10 Friendliest Countries in the World to Visit

Everyone has different experiences when traveling abroad and opinions vary when it comes to which people are the most welcoming and friendly.


Top Tips for Driving in the Australian Outback

Top Tips for Driving in the Australian Outback

The sprawling Australian outback is so vast and offers so many unique sights that it lends itself well to a lengthy trip.


Best Adventure Travel Companies

Best Adventure Travel Companies

There are literally hundreds of travel companies offering exciting adventure trips in hundreds of destinations. By booking with one of these companies you will take away all the hassel of travelling abroad and also be guided by an experienced group leader who will be able to help you have the best experience possible.


Top Reasons to Visit Ljubljana

Top Reasons to Visit Ljubljana

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and a very underrated destination to visit. This is a modern city which is clean, colourful, friendly and eclectic.


Top 4 Things to Do in Izmir

Top 4 Things to Do in Izmir

Turkey’s third largest city, Izmir isn’t really known for its aesthetic appeal. One look at the mishmash of modern white hotels will probably send a slight cringe down your spine, but there’s a lot more to Izmir than initially meets the eye.


Top Reasons to Visit Symi Island

Top Reasons to Visit Symi Island

Part of the epic Greek archipelago, the island of Symi is one of the lesser known destinations for travellers and a great place to escape the tourist crowds of similar islands like Santorini and Mykonos. 


Top 10 Tips to Fundraise for Volunteering Abroad

Top 10 Tips to Fundraise for Volunteering Abroad

Are you looking to volunteer abroad? Have you noticed some programs can cost quite a lot of money? Do you need advice how to raise money for volunteering abroad?


The Best Museums & Galleries in Atlanta, GA

The Best Museums & Galleries in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, Georgia, is a cultural feast for the traveler, offering an abundance of excellent museums and galleries showcasing a collection of great exhibitions.


Best Festivals, Parades and Events in Hanoi

Best Festivals, Parades and Events in Hanoi

Arguably one of the most culturally diverse and rapidly developing cities in all of Southeast Asia, Hanoi has remained beautifully unscathed despite its tumultuous recent history.


An Itinerary to Escape the Tourist Crowds in Bali

An Itinerary to Escape the Tourist Crowds in Bali

Bali has been on the tourist radar for decades.


Top Reasons to Visit La Paz

Top Reasons to Visit La Paz

La Paz can seem chaotic, inaccessible and a bit grubby, with no obvious attractions.  As a result, many travellers tend to pass through, or overlook it all together, preferring to head straight towards more established destinations.


Important Things to Know Before Visiting Fraser Island

Important Things to Know Before Visiting Fraser Island

Australia is a country that is famed for its diverse landscape and natural wonders.


Things to Know Before Backpacking the South Island of New Zealand

Things to Know Before Backpacking the South Island of New Zealand

Is a trip to New Zealand on the horizon? You have to visit the South Island!


Best Summer Music Festivals in the UK

Best Summer Music Festivals in the UK

Do you love music? You need to check out one of the UK's famous music festivals which run every year.


Over 100,000 Followers on X (Twitter)

Over 100,000 Followers on X (Twitter)

We have reached a new milestone, we now have over 100,000 followers on X (Twitter)!


Essential Words & Phrases for Visiting Brazil

Essential Words & Phrases for Visiting Brazil

Knowing a couple of key sentences in a foreign language usually comes in handy when travelling, especially in a country where English is not widely spoken.


Top 10 Things To See & Do When Working in Thailand

Top 10 Things To See & Do When Working in Thailand

Are you heading to work in the land of Smiles? Need some recommendations on where to visit and things to do?


Trabalho Voluntário no Exterior com a One World 365

Trabalho Voluntário no Exterior com a One World 365

Encontre oportunidades para trabalho voluntário e férias no exterior com a One World 365. Procure por oportunidades em organizações internacionais em busca de apoio e comece a planejar suas férias e voluntariado. 


Is Pongo de Mainique Worth Visiting?

Is Pongo de Mainique Worth Visiting?

The Pongo de Mainique is small location of the Urubamba River in southern Peru which is slightly off the beaten track. The Pongo de Mainique is just 3 kilometres long deep in the jungle and usually overlooked with international tourists visiting the country.


Volunteer Abroad in a Spanish Speaking Country

Volunteer Abroad in a Spanish Speaking Country

Are you considering volunteering in a Spanish speaking country but you can't decide where to go? Spain or Latin America? Or want to know if you need to be able to speak Spanish to apply? Let our guide help you! 



What's Really a Greener Way to Travel; Train or Car?

Most of us assume, these days, that public transport is greener than driving your own car (1). But these assumptions are based on common sense and data from tailpipe emissions - what happens when you look beyond a vehicle's exhaust, and factor in the overall emissions from each method's creation, development and day-to-day support structure?


5 Things You Need to Stop Lying About On Your CV

5 Things You Need to Stop Lying About On Your CV

With unemployment higher than ever, the pressure on job hunters seeking employment at home and overseas has never been higher and the competition has never been stiffer.


Ape Action Africa Charity Fundraiser in London

Ape Action Africa Charity Fundraiser in London

Ape Action Africa are an organisation we promote on our website, they help goriallas, chimpanzee's and primates in Africa and the work they do is inspirational.


Top Tips for Getting Acceptance into Medical School

Top Tips for Getting Acceptance into Medical School

If you’ve set your heart on applying for medicine, you are not alone. Thousands of people are considering applying through UCAS, whether they have already obtained their A levels or undergraduate degree or are currently working towards a qualification that will allow them entry to medicine.


Over 10,000 organisations now listed on One World 365

Over 10,000 organisations now listed on One World 365

One World 365 has passed a new milestone, we now have over 10,000 organisations listed making us one of the largest travel, work, volunteer and study directories in the world! 


Alternatives to Camp America

Alternatives to Camp America

Camp America is an amazing travel program but are you looking for alternative options? Possible you are not sure whether this is right for you? Or you have participated and would like a similar different opportunity?


The 10 Best Countries to Go Scuba Diving

The 10 Best Countries to Go Scuba Diving

Going diving allows you to escape your world, see beautiful coral reefs, explore underwater caves, photograph exotic fish or get the thrill of being close to sharks and whales.


Useful Portuguese Words & Phrases for Travellers

Useful Portuguese Words & Phrases for Travellers

If you are travelling to Portugal it is recommended you learn a few basic phrases which will make your experience easier and more enjoyable.
