In this article, we have collected recommendations and examples of writing freelance jobs that allow you to start earning without experience, and it will be not only essay writing jobs.


What Freelancers Starting Out Should Know

  • At first, it can be difficult to get a job. Besides you, there are many people registered on freelance platforms who want to work and have already established themselves as excellent performers;
  • Reputation is an essential thing! If you fail the first order, you will not get the next one. So treat your work responsibly, and you will begin to be appreciated;
  • Do not count on a mountain of gold right away. Instead, expect pennies right away. Even if you are a cool specialist, no one will give you a big order overnight. You will have to start small, and therefore cheap. But as you fill the portfolio, you can increase the rates;
  • Improve yourself. Competition is a great motivator for development. And in freelancing, the competition is enormous. You need to remind yourself more often that the world doesn't owe you anything, and we are worth exactly as much as we can give it in return;
  • You have to forget about procrastination. Yes, sad as it is! We know how hard it is to break up with that friend, but if you are a freelancer, it will surely pull you down very soon;
  • Do not forget about taxes. Pay your taxes and live in peace. Working as a freelancer, you have to deal with this issue on your own. You just shouldn't forget about it;
  • Student freelancing writing jobs can be the start of your own big business. The main thing is to do exactly what you do.


How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs 

The easiest way to get started in freelancing is through work experience and searching out placements either locally to where you live/study, or online. These ways are best:

  • from advertisements on social networks and websites;
  • recommendations from other people;
  • freelance platforms;
  • educational portals for students.


Types of Freelance Writing Gigs for Students

These are some of the most popular ways to work in the industry.


Students' Assistance

You can start writing essays and term papers for other students if you have the required skills and knowledge. You must understand the responsibility of this work and not treat it negligently, as another person's grade depends on the quality of your writing. 


Social Media

It's hard to imagine life without social networks. People communicate here, read the news, make purchases.

Business owners, bloggers, and influencers need assistants who can make interesting content and attract subscribers. Social media managers also respond to subscribers' messages, clean comments from spam, take product orders, and provide customer support.

These jobs pay well, as entrepreneurs understand that the success of a business and the audience's loyalty depend on social media managers. Thanks to good content, it is possible to promote quickly and effectively, investing relatively little money in development. Another advantage is that you can work from your phone. 



A copywriter writes any text, even the one you are reading right now. They can work with a variety of formats and create:

  • informational articles for blogs;
  • texts for website pages — from the home page to some section of the directory;
  • SEO-texts for promotion in search engines;
  • texts for landing pages — one-page sites;
  • posts for social networks;
  • chains of letters for email distributions;
  • scripts for commercials and much more.

If you want to be a freelance copywriter, you need to be able to:

  • write useful, literate, clear, and structured texts;
  • talk to the target audience in the same language;
  • wrap the content — work with accents, select illustrations, layout one-page pages;
  • work with different formats — from a text on a landing page to an email letter;
  • develop a content strategy and analyze the effectiveness of materials;
  • negotiate with clients.

If you want to master this profession, you can get basic skills and knowledge online and from books, gradually gaining experience. You can try to look for projects on freelance platforms or get a full-time remote copywriter job at an agency. 



A transcriber is a person who translates sound into text. There are still stenographers working in various institutions to document the course of a process, a meeting, and the like. But not everyone can afford a personal stenographer, and not everyone needs one.

On the other hand, video content on the web has long been one of the most popular types of content, but you should agree that if you are in a hurry, you don't always have time to watch a 15-minute video, no matter how interesting it is to you. Not to mention an hour or more of video clips. In that case, you'd rather read the text version of it.

The profession of transcribing can suit almost anyone, as it doesn't require that much serious skill or knowledge. If you have a good ear, you can already work as a transcriber, and if you also know a couple of languages and are very good at listening to them, you won't be without a job.