It would be great if you could maintain a flow of healthy food whether you're driving to a nearby destination or flying cross-country.

With some creative planning, it's quite possible to manage and make sure your family is fully packed with healthy meals all through your journey.


The Genius of Planning Healthy Meals

Way before you hit the road, plan your meals and snacks to avoid the "rush hour" and can apportion quick and easy meals for kids and the whole family. A little preparation goes a long way in making sure your family eats well, whether just for a short getaway or a long trip, like these ideas:

  • Fruit and Veggie Packs

You can pre-cut fruits and vegetables like apple slices, baby carrots, and cucumbers. These are easy to snack on and just require well-washed (or wiped) hands. Your kiddos would also feel them more like fun snacks if you get these fruits and veggies into molds and fun shapes.

  • Whole Grain Sandwiches

A bunch of sandwiches with bread from whole grain, lean proteins like turkey or chicken, and plenty of veggies can go a long way, especially if you're all busy having fun on your journey. Whether on triangles or circles, just make a lot of fun cuts to interest the eyes and fill your tummy throughout your journey.

  • Yogurt and Granola

You need yogurt to maintain your family's gut health while you travel, especially for the kiddos. Just pack them in small containers with separate bags of granola so your youngsters can easily mix them together when it's time to eat.


Stay Hydrated

It's best to make sure that all of you have filled reusable water bottles, one for each family member, to keep you hydrated from long flights to strenuous activities. Accordingly, cabin pressure and reduced humidity require you to consume huge amounts of water to avoid the risk of dehydration, especially the little ones. 

Also, too much energy spent walking and running can be draining, and you need water as much as you need food to sustain your and you're bouncing kids' energy. Just avoid sugary drinks and soda as they often author energy crashes but are not hydrating at all. You can opt for herbal teas and flavored water if you want something "tastier" than plain water.


Pack Healthy Snacks

Especially with hyper kids in tow, you need healthy snacks they can nibble along between activities to keep hunger away and avoid unhealthy options. Just get your hunches over these nutritious and easy-to-pack healthy tidbits, such as:

  • Nuts and Seeds

Keep almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds packed and handy, as they are great for snacking while providing healthy fats and protein for the whole family.

  • Dried Fruit

A travel-ready supply of unsweetened dried fruits like apricots, raisins, and mango slices can provide natural sweetness, not sugar rush. They're easy to prepare and easy to grab, eat, and go.

  • Energy Bars

Even on travel and wanting to prepare things fast, you need not compromise on health, so choose bars with natural ingredients, low sugar, and high fiber content.

Also, munching on these snacks, especially on long flights, can help ease kids' flight anxiety and make for a smoother and tantrum-free trip.


Dining Out the Healthy Way

Dining out is often part of the travel experience, not only with adults but especially for your kids. So you need not compromise on nutrition because you can always have healthier choices at restaurants, like:

  • Choose Grilled Over Fried

Encourage your family to opt for grilled meats and vegetables instead of fried options, all known to be low in unhealthy fats and calories.

  • Substitute Sides

A lot of restaurants today offer sides like fries or chips by default, but you can actually ask for substitutes like salads, steamed vegetables, or fruits.

  • Share Meals

More often, restaurant portions are larger, so consider sharing meals with the whole family to avoid overeating and reduce waste.


Plan Your Healthy Family Break

Managing healthy eating on family escapades doesn't have to be draining and stressful. With the tips and insights here, you can make sure that your family will still benefit from nutritious meals and snacks even if you're all flights away from your home.