We won't deny that keeping track of your inventory from afar is challenging; this is why many salon owners spend their vacation time wondering whether their shelves are fully stocked and if orders are being handled correctly instead of enjoying their well-earned time off.

But it doesn't have to be this way - with the right strategies and tools, you can maintain control and keep your business thriving even from afar.

Here's how you can manage your salon's inventory like a pro, even when you're on the go.


Communicate and Coordinate with Your Staff

Your staff is your most important asset when it comes to managing your inventory while you're away. The first thing to do is ensure everyone is well-trained and understands your inventory processes. It's also essential to establish clear roles and responsibilities so everyone knows what to do (more on this later).

Regular communication is key here; use messaging apps or project management tools to stay in touch and address any issues promptly. Schedule regular check-ins and virtual meetings to discuss inventory levels and upcoming needs.

You should also consider designating a trusted team member as the point person for inventory matters. This individual can oversee stock levels, place orders, and report directly to you.


Technology is Your Best Friend Here

When you're traveling, relying on your staff only is not enough – this is where technology can be of immense help. There are numerous cloud-based inventory management systems out there that allow you to keep track of your stock levels in real-time from anywhere in the world.

When you're looking for software, look for a solution that offers mobile apps so you can check your inventory on the go. We also recommend using salon-specific software, because they also offer other features tailored to your needs. For example, SalonBiz not only offers appointment information and inventory tracking via their app, but also customizable reporting for better, data-informed decisions.


Automate Reordering

While we're on the subject of tech solutions, automated reordering systems are also a must when you're traveling. When you set up your inventory management software to automatically reorder products when stock levels reach a certain threshold, you've won half the battle. You can also customize the reorder points based on historical sales data and current trends, allowing for more precise inventory control.

Automation is key because it reduces the risk of (human) error and frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. Most advanced inventory systems offer these features, allowing you to set parameters that fit your specific needs. Regularly review and adjust these settings to align with changes in demand or new product introductions.


Establish Reliable Protocols

Having standardized processes for inventory management is essential. Create detailed procedures for everything from receiving shipments to conducting inventory counts, then document these processes and make sure your staff follows them consistently.

To make this process easier, break down tasks into manageable steps and provide training materials or manuals. For example, when receiving shipments, ensure that the process includes checking the order against the invoice, inspecting items for damage, and updating the inventory system immediately.


Conduct Regular Inventory Audits

Conducting regular inventory audits is important for maintaining accuracy, so schedule routine audits and random spot checks to ensure everything matches up with your records. This will help you identify discrepancies early and allow you to address any issues before they escalate. Consider using barcode scanners or RFID technology to streamline the audit process and reduce human error.

Regular audits are important not only because they catch mistakes but also because they highlight patterns or recurring issues. You can use this information to adjust your inventory strategies and improve accuracy over time.


Work on Supplier Relationships

Maintaining good relationships with your suppliers can make a big difference when managing inventory remotely. When you're traveling, try to keep open lines of communication and let them know when you'll be back.

They can help by providing timely updates (either to you or your staff) on shipments and addressing any issues quickly. Some suppliers may offer drop-shipping services, allowing products to be sent directly to your salon without needing your intervention.

Having a good relationship with your suppliers can lead to other benefits, too: better terms, priority service, and smoother transactions overall. And you don't have to invest a ton of time in this either; schedule regular check-ins with key suppliers to discuss your needs and any upcoming promotions or changes.


Lastly, Contingency Planning

Finally, always have a contingency plan. Things can go wrong even if you do everything right, and you need to be prepared. Whether it's a shipment delay, a sudden increase in demand, or an unexpected stock shortage, having a plan in place that your staff is familiar with helps you react quickly and effectively.

So, before you set sail, take time to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. This could include having backup suppliers, emergency stock, or a rapid response team within your staff.