In particular, a paper is the most popular type of assignment at school for students and it is actually almost foreign topic for them. On top of that, essays constitute a great part of the curriculum for them – nursing students. Therefore not only is it a hard task to write a nursing essay but it is also a very important piece of assignment to them.

When writing a nursing essay, it's important to focus on clear, evidence-based arguments, and a reliable nursing essay writing service in UK can help ensure high-quality work. offers expert assistance for nursing students, helping them craft well-researched and professionally written essays.

We are going to offer you several steps of writing an effective nursing essay. For both students and professionals who have to present a nursing class assignment, the following points will be useful. So, have a look at ten tips that will lead you through a winning nursing essay.


The Task

It is important to read the instructions for the nursing essay before you write it. This will help you to understand the assignment fully, and structure your writing appropriately. The instructions often indicate the length of the assignment, as well as the style of referencing required.

Reading the instructions carefully, along with keeping notes of the main points, can prevent having to re-do assignments, or having them marked down by teachers. Asking another person to proofread your work can also be very useful in this regard.


Choose a Relevant Topic

So, the first thing to do when writing your nursing essay (especially if your professor has not assigned a topic) is to decide on a subject – and you’ve just hit the jackpot, here: it’s an interesting topic to you, it’s relevant to your nursing studies, it’s almost super-boring, and you have 2,000 words to discuss it.

Writing a nursing essay on a topic of your choice is a pretty common assignment. Spend some time thinking about what would be good to write about. Use your state-of-the-art nursing brain to consider issues and developments in health and illness, nursing practice and healthcare, or some specific area of patient care intriguing to you.

Your topic has to be focused enough to be written up in the length you have been given, and broad enough for you to get anything meaningful to say about it. Think about what would make it the most interesting to you to write, and you are off to a good starting point.


Conduct Thorough Research

Narrow down your topic to a reasonable range. Develop a research plan. Research the topic as far and wide as possible. Read academic journals, nursing textbooks, nursing websites, national professional nursing organizations and nursing researchers.

As you read, take down sources and page numbers for anything you think you might want to use in your essay. Talk with nursing professionals, visit the college library, go to a professional nursing website and read nursing journals. The more you know about the topic, the better your essay will be.


Create an Outline

To write an effective nursing essay, maintaining a clear structure and providing strong evidence is crucial, and consulting essay writing services reviews can guide you to the right assistance for your work.

Prior to writing, compose a sophisticated outline for your essay so you can segregate it into an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Start with a basic structure and then list the main points you want to cover in each section.

Your outline should include a topic sentence for each paragraph, as well as the examples or evidence you plan to include. This will help keep your paper on track while you write.


Write a Strong Introduction

The introduction is a critical part of your nursing essay. It determines how well your readers are going to engage the whole piece.

It should begin with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention; this can be a jarring or attention-grabbing statistic, a question, or a short narrative relevant to your topic.

The hook should be followed by some necessary background, which should give your essay proper context and background. And finally, before you transition to the body of your essay, it is important to have a one-sentence thesis statement that defines the main argument/purpose of your essay.

A reader can know exactly what you are going to talk about in your essay, and also be interested in learning more.


Develop Your Arguments

In the body of the essay, you make your main points one by one, in one paragraph each.

Make sure to start each paragraph with a ‘topic sentence’ that declares the main idea of that paragraph. After the topic sentence, give evidence, examples or explanations that support your position.

Be sure to connect your idea to nursing practice and explain how it relates to it. Use transitions between paragraphs to assure the reader that the ideas flow one to the next. Be critical as you reflect on the information. If you are just stating facts, then you will not score a critical thinking essay.

Your analysis of the issues in nursing should demonstrate that you are able to think critically about issues in nursing, and this ability will help you score your essay.

Essay Component + Purpose + Key Elements

• Introduction: Grab attention and provide context - Hook, background information, thesis statement
• Body Paragraphs: Present and develop arguments - Topic sentence, evidence, analysis, transitions
• Conclusion: Summarize main points and leave lasting impression - Restatement of thesis, summary of key points, final thoughts


Use Proper Citation

The first point is that all academic papers, including nursing papers, need to give credit to where you got your information. This means that you have to write out your sources and cite and quote them when you are writing an essay.

You should cite and quote when you are writing an essay because that means you are quoting directly from a source or paraphrasing a source’s information. Your citation style should be what your professor has told you – it is most likely going to be either APA or MLA. What this does is that it helps to prevent you from plagiarizing.

Obviously, if you can quote scholars when you make an argument, it makes your paper look more legit. As you are writing out your paper, keep track of your sources. In your paper, make sure to include a reference list or a bibliography at the end where you list all your sources.


Write a Clear Conclusion

In that way, your conclusion will be the last perspective that you present to your reader. Make it punchy.

Open with a rewording of your thesis statement. In summary, state your thesis again in different terms. Follow that with a summary of the main points you have made in the essay, as stated below, to show the reader how the essay has supported your thesis argument.

End your conclusion with a statement that makes your reader think of something new related to your topic — perhaps a call to action, a prediction of the future of nursing, or a question related to your topic?


Edit and Proofread

When you’re finished, set the draft aside for a day or two, if possible – a great way to get ready for editing and proofreading your essay.

Start with the big picture – does the essay flow logically? Are your arguments clear and developed sufficiently? Have you covered the assignment prompt? Then move to detailed editing.

Look for grammar and spelling mistakes, awkward wording, and repetition. Make sure your sentences are clear and concise. Have you used the right jargon for a nursing essay? Read your essay aloud, if possible, to catch errors and awkward phrasing you might miss as you read silently.

In conclusion, by setting aside time to research, to read, to think, to organize, and to write, the nursing essay is a great vehicle to become a better and knowledgeable nurse.

We suggest that by taking time to read and understand the assignment, choosing a good topic, researching, taking notes and making a good outline, writing a vivid and attractive introduction, making your arguments, citing your information, writing a good conclusion, proofreading the work for everything from punctuation, grammar, and spelling, and finally asking for comments.

You can write a good nursing essay to show to your instructor so he/she will know your understanding of the nursing concepts, and what type of nurse you want to become. Don’t be afraid of the task – every essay helps you become a better, knowledgeable, and skilled nurse.