If you have a passion for computers, or are are keen to learn, there are so many reasons you should consider a career working as a computer programmer.


What is a Programmer?

A programmer is a person who develops algorithms and computer programs based on specific mathematical models. In other words, he/she writes the source code for a program, which can be presented by a website, applications, video games, etc.

Many of us confuse programmers and full stack developers. But what is full stack developer? Although both are in the tech industry, full stack developers specialize in the creation of websites while programmers build software.

To write the code, programmers must know have knowledge some programming language that consists of both English words and special symbols. Nowadays, specialists developed several hundred languages, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, PHP, Swift, etc.

Each programming language differs from the others by its purposes, syntax, and libraries. So, it's up to a programmer to decide which language to choose for the specific task. However, a good specialist should know at least two-three languages.

Plus, with a Python course, you can acquire the in-demand skills needed to launch your programming journey, even if you have no prior experience! Start building your future today.


What Are the Programming Specializations?

Though the basic principles of programming are the same, the development of different products requires specific skills and specialization.

App development is a branch of programming where specialists are engaged in the development of applications like games, messengers, office programs, accounting programs, and many others. App programmers also adapt existing programs to the needs of organizations and users.

Software developers work over the software systems, which control computer systems. They develop OS, i.e., operating systems.

Web development deals with the Internet. Web specialists write software for sites, web-pages, and web-interfaces. They also work with programs that support the operation of the above-mentioned elements.

These specializations are also divided into numerous sub-branches where programmers perform narrowly targeted tasks.


What Types of Jobs Are There in Programming?

As we said, programming is not limited by only these three branches. It's much wider and much more diverse. One of the best things about programming is that you can find a definite position that would be as close to your skills and predisposition as possible. 

Besides, programming covers literally all spheres of our lives, which means it is an integral part of all industries like IT, gaming, economy, education, movies and entertainment, medicine, and so on. Consequently, if you'd like to become a programmer or developer, you can combine the programming knowledge with some other skills and education.

For example, you're an experienced digital marketer who knows everything about sales strategies, the specificity of digital channels, and content making. If you learn programming and several programming languages, you'll be able to occupy a profitable niche and significantly increase your income but still work in the area that you know like the back of your hand. 

The most popular and well-paid professions in programming or connected with it are:

1C, PHP, Java, and Python programmers are still the most demanded specialists in the IT industry. Their main specialization is thorough knowledge and application of these programming languages without any specific skills in other spheres. Such a tendency is explained by the multifunctionality and complexity of the languages and the lack of experienced professionals.

Frontend developer is a specialist that develops websites and apps from the client's side, i.e., they work over the user's interface. These programmers are often called client-side developers. Their main web-tools are JavaScript programming language, HTML, CSS.

iOS and Android developers are engaged in the development, updating, and improvement of mobile applications and software for smartphones, tablets, computers, and other Apple devices and devices running on the Android operating systems, respectively.

Data scientists analyze various data based on statistics, mathematics, and programming. With the help of such analysis, they systemize data making it more clear, find solutions to many IT and business problems, search for tendencies that can be useful for business development. The knowledge of programming languages like SAS, Python, R is obligatory.

AI engineers are expected to become one of the most demanded specialists with programming skills. They already receive numerous invitations to cooperation with leading IT corporations. So, their work is the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, which is based on algorithms and closely related to programming.

System administrator is another vacancy, which is closely connected with programming. Though system administrators have a lot of other professional tasks, their fulfillment would be impossible without the knowledge of programming. Also, many system administrators write their own programs to simplify and automate some working processes.

So, the list can be continued. The number of professions that are closely connected with programming increases daily. Moreover, the popularity, salaries, and companies, which want programmers, enlarge either.



Here are the things you will love about working as a programmer:


1. High Salary

Even in developing countries, all vacancies connected with IT and programming, in particular, can boast of enviable salaries. The income of programmers has been holding leading positions in ratings for years and is expected to continue growing. So, to show you the earning perspectives of the profession, let's have a look at the average salaries of the above-mentioned jobs.

On average, the programmers that work with the most widely used languages such as 1C, PHP, Java, JavaScript, and Python earn from $101 000 to $120 000, while the best specialists get over $150 000 per year. 

Frontend developers earn about $107 000 annually. This is the average salary of such employees in the United States. The wages for top positions at the top companies reach $160 000.

iOS and Android developers somehow yield to their colleagues, but the gap is minimal. An average salary in the labor market is $96 000. The most experienced employees earn up to $145 000. 

Data scientists with the average 2-4 years of work experience also get about $91 000 per year. However, the highest salaries reach $125 000 annually.

AI engineers earn more compared with many programming and IT vacancies thanks to the uniqueness of their work, skills, experience as well as contribution to the development of the industry. Beginning engineers get about $90 000 - $100 000 per year. However, their salary can double over the years and experience.

System administrators close our salary paragraph with the lowest average income for $70 000 if compared with the previous positions. But as far as an average salary in the US labor market is $48 672 per year, you can see how beneficial this job still is.


2. Huge Demand

Nowadays, almost all businesses, from leading corporations to small companies, need programmers' services. 

If you have knowledge and experience in programming, you can find a job with companies like:

  • IT giants like Google LLC, Microsoft, Apple, IBM;
  • Social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter;
  • Online sales platforms like Amazon and eBay;
  • Aerospace corporations like General Dynamics, SpaceX;
  • Ignite Visibility, WebFX, IGW, and other large digital marketing agencies;
  • and many other companies in various industries.


3. Work All Over the World

Wonder where you can work as a programmer? This is one of the best online jobs that allows you to work from an office, home or on the move. If you are freelance you can work whenever and howoften you want. Many employers even support working from home, as the productivity increases and the utilities and office rent expenses decrease.


4. Learn New Skills

While studying programming and its languages, one gets a lot of useful skills both professional and those, which can be applied in everyday life:

  • You'll be able to combine and improve your technical and creative skills;
  • Programming helps improve memory;
  • The job develops analytical skills;
  • Programmers are learned to solve problems in a non-standard way;
  • They also have excellent skills for the brief and precise formulation of thoughts.


5. Develop Personally & Professionally

Programming helps you improve creativity and critically. This job requires you to think outside of the box.


Programming has become one of the most important jobs in the world and is needed all around the world. Besides, the salaries, the ability to work remotely from any place in the world, and other advantages make programming definitely one of the best jobs in the modern labor market if not the best.