Munich is the capital of Bavaria and lies to the north of the beautiful Alp Mountains. With a population of around 1.3 million, Munich is Germany's third largest city.  Munich is also the home of many prestigious companies, cultural and governmental institutions and elite universities.

Check out our top reasons why Munich is a great place to study, work and live: 


1. Munich is a city of ideas, innovation, and inventions

Munich is one of the best cities to study abroad in Germany. It has a strong economic centre and well-known enterprises from the high-tech, electronics, communication and automobile industries such as BMW, Siemens, Infineon, Telefonica (O2), Allianz and Munich Re Group are based here, as well as global consultancies such as PWC, BCG, Deloitte, Accenture and many more. 


2. Life takes place outside!

Munich students

The number of outdoor events and activities is never ending. Fancy surfing in a landlocked city? Now’s your chance! 


3. It’s international

Munich is a city which people from all over the world call home. Every year students from all over the world come to the city for their exchange year, for their third level studies, for internships or to work. It’s not unusual to celebrate Australia Day, Fasching, St. Patrick’s Day Parade within a short amount of time. You can find Italian markets, Asian shops, Persian Restaurants and Mexican Food stands in the same street. 


4. Oktoberfest – the world’s most famous and biggest beer festival!

If you haven’t been there yet, it should definitely be on your bucket list, whether you are into beer or not. Oktoberfest is a huge crazy party with traditional dresses (Dirndl), the typical Lederhosn, and typical Bavarian food. People dance on tables and party but at the same time also get together for business meetings, marketing and tech conferences and to seal important deals. You really need to experience Oktoberfest as it is one the best festivals in the world.


5. Leisure Activities

Munich countryside

Munich’s leisure activity offerings are most definitely unique in Germany and even Europe. No other city is so big and metropolitan but so close to the countryside, the Alps, various lakes and hiking paths, rivers and forests and of course to ski and snowboard areas in Austria, Italy and Switzerland.  So don’t be confused if you meet someone with a surfboard in winter and someone who is about to ski on the same day!


6. Language

German may not be the sexiest or easiest language for foreigners to learn, but it is worth it. With German as a second or third language you’ll have plenty of national and international job opportunities, as the German economy is one of the largest and most powerful in the world.  


7. Munich is a village, as the locals like to say

And it’s true – Munich has all the benefits of a metropolitan city but feels like a cosy small town. Not only is Munich Germany’s safest city, it is also pretty easy to get to know, especially with the fantastic public transport system.


8. Food!

Living in Munich means enjoying the local and international cuisine and the big variety of restaurants, bars and cafes. Enjoy traditional Bavarian food such as Schweinsbraten (roast pork) and Knödel (potato dumpling) as well as the local beer.


So what are you waiting for? Book your ticket to Munich – you’ll love it! We recommend Globe Business College Munich who offer a foundation certification in business.


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