Jessica Benson has been working as an au pair in the United States and here she shares her top reasons why you should apply.


1. Make New Friends

Working in the USA is a great chance to make new friends! And not only from your home country but from all over the world. You will meet people who share the same interests as you, for example to travel and explore (and taking pictures!) and you are all going through the same so it will be even easier for you to find something you share. You will never be alone.

If you apply for au pair jobs in the USA the first friendships you might make on the plane or in the training school and once you are in your final city there will be other au pairs and your LCC who will help to connect you with au pairs in your area.

You will share this awesome experience and make memories you will never forget. And hopefully these friendships last, so that you can visit each other later to explore each others countries!


2. You Will Improve Your Language Skills! 

USA au pairs

My English has definitely improved after being almost half a year working abroad in America. I see that I don´t even have to think anymore about how I say things in English. It just happens and most of the times it´s right. At the same time I´m still learning new words and I become more confident.

And not only that, by having for example friends from France, I can also improve my french skills which is awesome. At the same time I can teach people from Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden...and of course Americans, my language which is German!


3. You Will Grow Yourself!

You will become more self-confident and independent by doing things alone, solving problems, organizing trips, meeting new people, making friendships and trying new things. Even by signing in for the whole program you are doing one big step which shows that you are brave and that you have the potential to live a life full of adventures!


4. You Will Learn About the American Way of Life & Culture! 

Au pairs in America at Christmas

By living with a host family, you will learn about how Americans like to educate their children and you will experience american traditions and holidays. By traveling through the country you will see the differences in each state and area. Seeing the crazy decorations at halloween time or having a thanksgiving dinner will definitely be part of it.


5. Having the Chance to Travel! 

NYC street with Empire State Building in background

On most USA cultural exchange programs like au pairing or working at a summer camp you have some weekends off which are great for roadtrips and you have 2 weeks of vacation and of course the travel month at the end of your time which is a perfect opportunity to travel the country.

Whether it´s a hiking trip in the mountains or a national park or visiting a city like Miami. And not only the USA! You can travel to Canada, the Caribbean islands or Mexico as well.

If you are lucky, your host family might also take you with them on a trip. If you save enough money you could also travel to Alaska or Hawaii which will definitely be an experience you will never forget!

By Jessica Benson


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