If you are really keen on the idea of going to study abroad, here’s 10 reasons why an exchange in Paris should be your top choice: 


1. Paris is beyond one of the most beautiful cities in the world

There are lots of things to know before studying in France and the first is Paris is one of the most popular cities to choose.

The positive connotations you’ve heard (C’est chic, romantique etc) are all true! By day, by night, in sunshine, in the rain- every side of Paris will amaze you.

There are so many world famous tourist attractions in Paris, you can spend weeks and months exploring all the main locations and also the hidden gems.

Be prepared to be blown away… 


2. The French way of life is admirable

Top Reasons to Study Abroad Paris - French Way of Life

Being in Paris really teaches you that living in the moment is très important. You learn to take the time to enjoy yourself, and this is an atmosphere that is unlikely to be recreated elsewhere. 


3. Immersing yourself in the culture is easy

Louve Paris

You can literally find culture on your doorstep. Le Louvre, Centre Georges Pompidou, Les Invalides- the list is endless. Why not? At least you know you’ll never be bored. 


4. Café after café, bars after bars

Paris Cafe

From the traditional cafés, to the modern, uber-chic bars that Paris has to offer, there are 101 excuses to enjoy a coffee (or wine), whilst catching up with friends.


5. The food

Paris Cuisine

The French stereotype about somebody walking down the street eating a baguette? 100% true. And you get to enjoy a hell of a lot more than baguettes- cheese, wine, and the endless selection of desserts. After all, immersing yourself in culture means eating loads of French food, right? 


6. There is more to Paris than meets the eye

Study in Paris

The Catacombs and La Mosquée de Paris are just some of the things that prove that Paris is more than just the Eiffel Tower. This city is also known as being expensive but there are lots of free things to do in Paris all year round.


7. You’ll significantly improve your French

Paris why study here

French is a beautiful language, and you pick it up quite easily as you are constantly exposed to it. You could combine experience and book a French language course in Paris, or just learn independently and chat with locals.


8. The University in Paris is something else

University of Paris

There are lots of highly rated places to study in France and the University of Paris is one of them. You end up really appreciating how passionate everybody is, and it is always a bonus knowing that Paris has some of the most reputable educational institutions. 


9. You’ll fall in love….

You may think that it was that ridiculously charming guy on the Metro who had your heart. However, at the end of your year, you’ll realise that there was only ever one love for you: Paris. When living here you will get far more time than your average tourist too, you'll also get to disover the best day trips and places to visit near Paris.


10. Impress your friends and family

And you get to impress (annoy) everyone when you’re back with the “I lived in Paris for a year…”- bragging rights for the rest of your life is reason enough if you ask me. 


Whether you want to study French in France or fancy a semester or year abroad to enhance your academic learning, if you do choose Paris, let it be known that you have a lot to look forward to.

By Varsha Patel