These young people are basically highly mobile and value freedom and an ability to change the environment for the sake of new experiences. So, why not use traveling as a bonus for one’s resume? One might say that it’s close to impossible, but it’s not.

This article is providing some interesting tips on how to include your traveling hobby in a resume and make it look good. It is required to understand that to make it work, you should take your trips seriously and have some evidence to support the idea of them being a valuable asset to your skills and potentially to the employer.


What’s That All About?

Well, recently there as been the rise of new type of entrepreneurs – social media influencers and trendsetters. As a result, young people who love traveling are now thinking of how it is possible to monetize their passion and make it more useful than ever. This is a natural progression of ideas among youth, but it is required to understand something. Simply traveling and stating that in resume will not work.

Some practical tips on how make it look great

First of all, when travelling, it’s important to take it seriously. If you’re going abroad just to have fun without any kind of actions that could assist in your job – there’s no need to mention it. However, if you reach other countries and do something fascinating, interesting, or entertaining, this is the way to go.



Ways to Make Travel Look Good on Your Resume

For example, let’s consider a traveler who is taking part in various volunteer programs during one’s trips. This is an excellent point to include in the resume, as there are lots of volunteering organizations that do make an impact. Why an excellent point? The answer is simple – a proactive behavior and involvement in activities that create a real difference is a display of one’s motivation and empathy.


Studying Abroad

It is quite possible to represent your trips to other countries as educational ones. A quick example – you’re a cultural sciences student who loves traveling and does that on a constant basis while learning new languages. Including this in a resume is yet another sign of a person with an active life position who seeks constant self-improvement.



Getting a part-time job while travelling is a great way to include your favorite hobby in a resume. This could be anything beginning from the English teacher to a freelancer position.

So, it’s possible to present these experiences as advantages just through the use of some smart words (but not too much). For example, working as an English teacher may be represented as “consulting a company while teaching employees English as a Second Language.”



Yet another niche that is experiencing a boom. There are lots of travel bloggers out there, and you can include personal experiences in this sphere in a resume as well. So, writing something like “travel blogger” or “digital entrepreneur/entertainer” can work just fine.

If you have a personal blog or constantly post on some website, do not be afraid to include this information. Remember to be accurate when writing a “travel blogger” on your resume.

Better ask professionals like Zipjob resume writing service about how and where you should put this on your resume and check out ZipJob reviews for more information about this company. By the way, always check reviews online before hiring or ordering any service. 


Additional Tips

If you’re a traveler, it is possible to represent your experiences through the list of soft skills that you acquired. For example:

  • Communication;
  • Adaptability;
  • Negotiation;
  • Assimilation.

All these things can help out any young person who loves traveling. If you think that your trips have benefited in other ways, such as developing hard skills as an addition to the soft ones, do not be afraid to mention that on a resume. The possibilities are immense, and it all comes down to how you represent them.


All-in-all, the most important take is to be able to use one’s experiences in traveling to the most. Making them stand out is a great way to fill in some possible blanks in a resume while providing a reasonable explanation to possible employment gaps.

Furthermore, being able to put those experiences in a good way can show a potential employer one’s proactiveness, initiative, and other great qualities. After all, it all boils down to one’s ability to represent travel as an advantage. That is why being creative is so important. 

Whether you are a volunteer, part-time worker, blogger, or photographer, do not be shy to include this information in a resume as it may be your golden ticket, even if you don’t have that much of a job history.