This feeling increases ten folds when you’re out on the sea with the wind in your hair, sun in your eyes, and a fruity cocktail in your hand. If you could name a better way to relax and recharge your batteries after a stressful year than a sailing holiday, then we’re all ears.
Don’t you believe us? Well, think about it this way: with a sailing holiday, you get adventure, relaxation, fresh air and the possibility to visit places that are untouched by most humans. Not only that a sailing holiday is great for the mind, body, and spirit, but it can benefit the environment too.
Let’s break down why a sailing trip is good for you by taking a quick look at some of the health benefits that it can bring:
Better Physical Endurance
Sailing involves a lot of physical activity. You’ll need to put your back and shoulders through some serious effort to handle driving a boat. Pulling and hoisting the sails is like a hardcore training session at the gym, and this type of exercise will boost up your strength and build your physical endurance.
Improve Your Heart’s Health
The intense activity in which you engage when you go out sailing favorites a large oxygen uptake. As a result, your cardiovascular health improves, reducing the risk of hypertension, cholesterol deposits or other heart diseases.
Reduced Stress
Another immense benefit you get when you go out at sea is lowering your stress levels.
The rhythmical movement of the waves that carry the boat along with the sound of the wind and the splashing of water induce a meditative state that influences brainwave patterns.
All these elements relax and soothe your mind and efficiently combat accumulated stress.
Increased Agility and Coordination
The various physical activities implied by sailing will improve your hand-eye coordination and agility. Pulling lines and hoisting sails will positively affect motor skills and flexibility while also enhancing your concentration.
Better Organizational Skills
Running a ship requires that every element is in perfect order and works properly. As such, you need to be focused and extremely organized to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.
The aptitudes you’ll gain during a sailing holiday will also benefit you in your professional and personal life.
You Enjoy Total Freedom
The sea is probably the biggest and most fascinating playground. You can head in almost any direction as there’s no one to dictate where to go or what to do.
You are as free as a bird and you can do as you see fit. If you want to stop for a few hours next to a secluded island and swim or just take in the beauty, you can do so.
Be careful, though: being out at sea can be quite addictive, and you may even find yourself contemplating the idea of quitting your job and looking for work on a cruise ship.
Sailing Is about Bonding and Teamwork
There’s something about a sailing holiday that brings people together.
Everyone is eager to work, talk, and spend their time on the deck, surrounded by the blue ocean, the seagulls, and clear sky. Not to mention, running a yacht requires a team effort, and everybody has to contribute their fair share of work.
As your sailing skills improve, you can take it to the next level with
a flotilla holiday. This type of sailing vacation provides the opportunity to bring your friends together and explore a variety destinations as a fleet of vessels operating together for a common purpose.
A State of Peacefulness
The rhythm of the sea and the saltiness of the air will get you in a state of bliss. And, no, we’re not making this stuff up. In fact, exposure to salty air, which is comprised of charged ions, delivers more oxygen to the lungs, heart, and brain.
Healthy oxygen intake correlates to an increase of serotonin in the body. The more balanced your serotonin levels are, the more peaceful and joyful you’ll feel.
You Can Visit Pristine Destinations
If during a regular holiday you are limited to a few cities and sights, with a yacht you can hop from one island to another without any problems.
There are so many amazing sailing destinations, in Europe, north America, Caribbean and worldwide.
If you visit the Greek islands for 2 - 3 weeks, for example, you can spend an entire month visiting the islands, and you’ll still have a few places that were left undiscovered by the end of your trip.
Detox Technology
We live in a fast-paced world where today’s news is already old, and new trends emerge every other fortnight. With the advent of technology, true emotional and social bonding with our friends and families is diminishing dramatically.
We’re almost always communicating from behind a screen, whether it’s a smartphone, laptop or tablet. We’re always on the run, always checking our e-mail and social media feed, and more seldom open to hearing what our peers have to say. We’re turning very rigid.
How Is Sailing a Solution?
Genuine communication and connection are one of the most prominent problems of today’s society.
So, at least during our holidays, we should try to put our devices aside and enjoy some quality time together. Spending time in the arms of Mother Nature helps us reconnect not only with our loved ones but our human essence as well. And sailing is one of the best options for enjoying nature.
Here’s the thing: during a regular holiday, were Wi-Fi spots are omnipresent, it can be difficult to resist the urge to check your email or answer to a message that one of your clients sent. But, you have no Wi-Fi or signal strength in the middle of the ocean. If your boss sends you an email, you won’t be able to see it.
So, there’s no other option than to enjoy nature, yourself, and your family, and forget about the stress and hassle of everyday life.
How is That a Good Thing for the World?
Well, the more relaxed and focused we are, our ability to see things from different perspectives and consider the impact our decisions have on a macro level increases.
Sailing and the Environment
Sailboats use the force of the wind to power themselves. But not having an engine at all would entail a significant safety risk in case of a storm, for example.
If you want to avoid any ecological concerns, then you should make sure to keep engine usage to the minimum to reduce environmental impact. Talk to the owner of the boat beforehand to check if the engine is in good shape and if the service is up-to-date. A poorly maintained engine consumes more and expels more fumes than one that properly cared for.
As the long list in this article has made it clear, a sailing holiday can offer numerous health benefits. It can also provide a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and technological temptations.
Not to mention, a sailing holiday can also be an excellent choice if you’re conscious of the impact your decisions and actions have on the environment.