The whole course includes 5 levels. After you have completed all the levels, you should have mastered 1200 commonly used words and the related grammar patterns. You should reach the HSK level 4 which means you are able to converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.

The “Chinese Check-In” course is your first step on your Chinese language adventure! This first installment will give you an overview of Chinese language, teach you basic words and language structure. After you finished this course, you should have mastered around 150 words and are able to hold a basic conversation in Chinese. What’s more important is that it will give you the ability for further study.

So if you want to study or work in China, do business with Chinese people, or just simply want to put yourself in an advantageous position to get a job, you should get in touch for more information about our course in Thailand.