Volunteers undertaking this project will contribute their time and energy to taking care of children in real need. Without volunteers the sustainability of the home and day care would be in question, with volunteers providing essential free labor to ensure children can continue to be given care both high in quality and compassion. The children live in a specialist home that provides special attention to children and infants from 0-14 years old who have few economical resources.

Services offered at the facility are for chronic and incurable diseases, as well as rehabilitation. They also have a day care centre onsite that works as a kindergarten for children with special needs where they can receive therapy, food, medical and psychological attention. Volunteers ensure that physical therapy, stimulation and care are provided for these vulnerable children, as well as bringing joy and love to their lives.

Goals of this Project:

  • Provide care to vulnerable infants and children with disabilities
  • Improve the future prospects of some of Quito’s most marginalized citizens
  • Provide a caring, fun and educational environment for the children
  • Create inter-cultural understanding which benefits both residents and international volunteers alike