The aim of this teaching and assisting in schools program is to help lay the foundations for a better future for each child by providing a solid educational base for students. Volunteers will teach and assist local teachers across a range of subject matter, with a particular focus on the English language. As a busy tourism city, skills in English are seen as integral for future employment prospects.

A solid education can lay the path out of poverty for many, with volunteers greatly assisting on this road. Love Volunteer’s aim for this important program is that it is a mutual exchange of skills and experiences that enriches both parties. Volunteers may find that they learn as much from the children as the children will learn from the volunteers!

Goals of this Project:

  • Provide English skills to children in Jaipur
  • Improve the future prospects of the children of Jaipur
  • Expose non-English speakers to native English speakers in order to improve pronunciation and conversational skills
  • Enable inter-cultural exchange which benefits both students and international volunteers alike.