This amazing project was created with the goal of helping to improve the language skills of children who come from very modest backgrounds. These children cannot afford to attend private language centres and the presence of volunteers gives them a chance to gain the vital skills necessary for a prosperous life. Classes in Morocco often have a diverse range of ages and abilities present which can make teaching a little more challenging. However, with a little creativity and flexibility on behalf of the volunteers, and assistance from the local teachers this can be easily overcome. Initially volunteers can work alongside a local teacher and as they settle in they will be given the freedom to create and carry out their own lessons. A volunteer’s willingness to share and ability to be proactive in their role will make them a valuable addition to any classroom.

Goals of this Project:

  • Provide language classes to impoverished children in English, French or Spanish
  • Improve the future prospects of some of Morocco’s most impoverished children, and help them to break the poverty cycle
  • Expose non-English/French/Spanish speakers to native speakers in order to improve pronunciation and conversational skills
  • Enable inter-cultural exchange which benefits both residents and international volunteers alike.