This wonderful program takes place on the outskirts of magical Kathmandu in a primary school. Located close to one of Kathmandu's largest slum areas, near Bhaktapur, the school provides free education, text books, uniforms and shoes to more than 150 children who live in poverty within the confines of the slum, and whose parents would otherwise not have been able to send their children to school at all.

Sadly, the school too lacks massively from underfunding, and it’s a daily struggle to simply keep the doors open. There are not enough classrooms and teaching materials are poor, meaning the children are simply not getting the education they deserve. This program offers true assistance to schools by supplying them with an international volunteer labor force that allows them to repair and maintain school facilities that they would otherwise be unable to afford to do.

Volunteers on this program help schools to continue to support children’s educational needs by providing them with much-needed assistance in providing safe facilities. 

Goals of this Project:

  • Provide free volunteer labor to maintain and build essential school facilities
  • Improve the future prospects of the children by supplying them with safe spaces to learn and play
  • Expose the locals to new and innovative ideas and a different way of doing things
  • Enable inter-cultural exchange which benefits both students and international volunteers alike.