
Classes: For the best learning experience, the group courses are limited to a maximum of 6 people per class, and class meets Monday through Friday.

Private Lessons: Available for new or advanced students, and professionals who have a specific focus in either verbal or written communication, or in particular themes and vocabularies. Private lessons are perfect for people who have only a short time for language training. These classes also meet Monday through Friday.

Special Programs: Here at Olinda Portuguese Language School, we have courses that bring together Portuguese and music (special courses on percussion instruments), soccer, photography, walking and talking, medical program, water sports and volunteering. We also have for Germans the Bildungsurlaub Program. We also prepare the students for the CELPE-BRAS exam.



Classes can be held in traditional classrooms, the auditorium, the kitchen (for Brazilian cuisine classes), or even outside of the school so that students have meaningful encounters with local customs and experiences. The focus of our program is on grammatically correct communication.


Dates & Cost 

Classes can be booked all year round. Contact us today for more information.