Senegal has a large number of street children, known as 'talibés'. These children receive no formal education and are forced to spend much of their time begging for food and small change. Projects Abroad have set up a centre in St Louis where these children can drop in to receive food, basic healthcare and basic education.

Volunteers assist in all aspects of the work, including:

- Education, Sports & Leisure: Teaching basic French, English and maths, as well as basic hygiene and organising arts-and-crafts activities, games and sporting activities.

- Healthcare, Hygiene & Environment: Administrating basic healthcare under the supervision of a nurse, organising washing and laundry sessions, and helping the children to keep their living environments clean and tidy.

- Weekly Food Distribution: Ensuring food is provided for the children at the talibé centre.


How to apply?

Feel free to call or email us - we have a friendly team ready to answer your questions!

When you're ready to apply please complete an application form on the Projects Abroad website.

A deposit of £195 is required with your application. We will immediately acknowledge receipt of your application and deposit payment.