Work in Ibiza

Summer Jobs in Ibiza

Thousands of people work abroad in Ibiza every year and you can too. View our guide to the best jobs, tips on how to get employment and search featured Ibiza working holiday packages.

Working a summer season in Ibiza will be an experience like no other, you will get to explore the island, make new friends, party and get paid.

By choosing Ibiza you will get to enjoy the destination, nightlife, world famous clubs, beaches and atmosphere which makes this island one of the most famous places in the world. 


Summer Jobs in Ibiza

Although there are year round employment opportunities, most people work during summer, usually from April to August when most tourists and holidaymakers arrive.

Popular summer jobs in Ibiza can include club promotion, bar work, restaurant staff, event staff, glass collectors, face and body painters and selling shots. People are needed to work on parades and promotional activities for some of the super clubs in the region as shown in the picture above.

PR jobs (selling tickets to bars, clubs, activities and events) are probably the easiest way to gain summer employment in Ibiza, if you are good at sales you could make a lot of money, sometimes hundreds a week, or if you are not so good, very little.

There are also other jobs like working for a holiday company, activity instructor or in an office for a club/company.


Club Jobs in Ibiza

Summer Promo Staff Jobs in Ibiza

Ibiza has some of the biggest clubs in the world and employment can be competative. Most club jobs are located in San Antonio, Ibiza Town and Playa d’en Bossa. We recommend viewing the websites of the following clubs (you could also visit once in country):

  • Space
  • Amnesia
  • Eden
  • Pacha
  • Es Paradis
  • Privilege
  • Sankeys Ibiza
  • Ushuaia Beach Club and Hotel
  • DC10


Bar Jobs in Ibiza

When working in bar or club you will be required to serve drinks in a busy and nosiy environment.

You can get these jobs by going to bars/clubs and speaking to staff and managers, it doesn't really make a difference if you are male or female but to work in a bar you will need to be friendly, reliable, trustworthy and good with numbers/money.

Most employers also like if you have previous experience but if you are new then you will probably get trained up. Bartenders and barmaids are also needed if working behind the bar doesn't appeal to you, staff are needed to work in cloakrooms, collect empty glasses and sell shots.

Every bar and club also needs security staff like doormen and bouncers.



What is the pay/salary like in Ibiza
Generally wages in Ibiza can vary and please note accommodation can be more expensive here than the rest of the country. Sometimes you might be provided a basic wage and then be given commission if you are selling tickets or drinks. Bar and club jobs can pay very low, but the basic wage is made up by having lots of fun and other perks for example free drinks, club passes and also excursions and group events.

How easy is it to get a job in Ibiza
Jobs at the most popular clubs and bars can be extremely competitive and timing is essential.

Best time to arrive and get a job
Our top advice is to book a flight early and aim to be there at the end of April or start of May, this might sound too early but it is recommended to secure summer employment in Ibiza. Once there you can get chatting to local staff and other internationals to get advice and contacts - this will help you meet new people and also secure a dream job.

Once you have done this you can relax and wait for the crowds to arrive. If you arrive in late May, June or July it will be more difficult to get a job and it is very easy on this island to spend a lot of money, get broke and have to go home early - be prepared and plan ahead.

What you might not know is to even if you head to Ibiza during August as you should still be able to find employment, sometimes it is even a lot easier than in May, June and July.

This is because it is coming to the end of the season - you will find most bars looking for staff as people will have departed early back to their native countries. The place might not be as busy as peak season but you will still get to experience Ibiza, the atmosphere and everything which goes with it. You might also like to view all of our seasonal-jobs-working-holidays in Europe for more options.

If you are from the UK or the EU you do not need a visa to work in Ibiza but you will need to register for a Spanish NI.

Apply with an agency or go solo?
If it is your first time working away, you are going solo or if you want to help in gaining employment in Ibiza you might also want to get help from an agency. Some companies offer packages which include flights, accommodation and in-country support for employment.

You will need to pay a fee for this service but this can be a good way to go as usually their local reps have good contacts with local bars and restaurants in Ibiza so when vacancies come up they will let you know. You could also just go solo and hang out in places like the Ship Inn where lots of seasonal workers relax - get chatting and seek jobs locally.


How to Apply

You can search our featured jobs and recommended companies and apply today.


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