There are some skills that have universal appeal and will always help you to secure a good job overseas. Before you translate your resume and book the next flight, consider practicing some of these skills to improve your international appeal as a potential employee.


1. Diverse Management Skills

Every industry, every team, and every project has different needs that need to be taken into consideration and a skilled project manager that can adapt to the needs of the organisation is invaluable almost anywhere in the world. If you have ever been interested in project management, one of the best ways to get ahead is to look into project management certifications. These certifications teach you about different styles of project managements and the methodologies you learn on these courses are used around the world, so even by taking a course in the UK you can become qualified for a job in India for example.

While there are many to choose from, the Agile project management certification is one of the certifications that are broadly used around the world, especially in countries with budding tech industries like America and Sweden. With this certification under your belt, you can better your chances of earning a project manager position almost anywhere in the world. This methodology in particular is also highly adaptive, so you will be able to easily tailor the methods you learn to your new place of work.


2. Languages

If you plan to work abroad, then you need to have a passion for languages as you will likely need to learn the language of the country you will be working in if you hope to live well and enhance your career. However, by knowing several languages you can make yourself a valuable candidate to be an international representative. Languages will always be in demand and for a company, someone like you brings the opportunity to expand their client/customer base and gives them an opportunity to collaborate or partner with other prosperous international countries.


3. Technical Acumen

We’re living in a predominantly tech-based world and have a good understanding of the technologies currently in use in certain industries can go a long way. The kind of skills that a majority of international companies are looking for is knowledge of the technology they use and either experience with using it or a willingness to learn. Nowadays, a lot of industry specific tech is used around the world and if you are looking for work overseas within a specific industry or sector, knowing how to use this tech will give you a much better chance at getting the job.


4. People Skills

People skills are important for almost any kind of job anywhere in the world. If you’re not working directly with customers then you’re working in a team with other members of staff or with company superiors. This means that you need to learn how to communicate effectively and resolve conflict quickly and peacefully, and you need to have at least basic knowledge of the country’s culture to know what is and what is not polite.

For example, in Italy you might greet a co-worker with a hug and conversation in meetings tends to be quite loud and fast whereas in China manners are incredibly important and hugging or interrupting a co-worker while they are speaking can be offensive. Every country has a different idea of what defines social norm that you should know and it will always be beneficial to know the company’s business etiquette. 


5. Having the Right Work Experience

When applying for work anywhere in the world you will usuall need to have some experience. If you are worried your skills might be putting you at a disadvantage you might like to first apply for internships abroad which are a great way to meet new professional contacts, get knowledge and boost your employment chances. Another option for you to boost your experience is to study abroad or join an international volunteering program - both offer ways to enhanced your skills and add depth to your CV.