Why Study Czech?
Possibly you have some Czech friends, a romance interest, or you would like to travel, work or study in the Czech Republic.
After learning some Czech phrases you will get to impress the local people which is also very politce, and some of the most used words for travel are very easy to learn.
If you have an interest in languages, or the Czech Republic, you could develop your language skills past beginner level which is recommend if you want to work in a city like Prague. This will allow you to experience a true cultural immersion.
There are lots of Czech language schools in Czech Republic who offer classes to foreigners all year round.
Here are some basic Czech phrases to get you started.
- Hello - Ahoj
- Goodbye - Na shledanou
- Thank you - Děkuji
- I'm sorry - Promiňte
- Yes - Ano
- No - Ne
- What's your name? - Jak se jmenujete?
- My name is - Jmenuji se
- Nice to meet you - Těší mě
- Where is ... ? - Kde je ... ?
- How far is it? - How far is it?
- Do you speak English? - Mluvíte anglicky?
- I don't understand - Nerosumín
- I don't speak Czech - Nemluvím česky
Tourism / Getting Around
- Excuse me, do you know where the tourist office is? - Promiňte, víte, kde je turistická kancelář?
- I need a taxi - Potřebuji taxi.
- How much is it? - Kolik to stojí?
- Where is the train station? - Kde je vlakové nádraží?
- Where is the subway station? - Kde je stanice metra?
- Airport - Letiště
- Bus - Autobus
Days of the Week
- Monday- Pondělí
- Tuesday - úterý
- Wednesday - středa
- Thursday - čtvrtek
- Friday - Pátek
- Saturday - Sobota
- Sunday- Neděle
Months of the Year
- January - leden
- February - únor
- March - březen
- April - duben (.wav)
- May květen (.wav)
- June - červen
- July - červenec
- August - Srpen
- September - Září
- October - říjen
- November - Listopad
- December - Prosinec
- zero - nula (.wav)
- one - jeden / jedna / jedno (.wav)
- two - dva / dvě (.wav)
- three - tři
- four - čtyři
- five - pět
- six - šest
- seven - sedm
- eight - osm
- nine - devět
- ten - deset
- eleven - jedenáct
- twelve - dvanáct
- thirteen - třináct (.wav)
- fourteen - čtrnáct
- fifteen - patnáct
- sixteen - - šestnáct
- seventeen - sedmnáct
- eighteen - osmnáct
- nineteen - devatenáct
- twenty - dvacet
- thirty - třicet
- forty - čtyřicet
- fifty - padesát
- sixty - šedesát
- seventy - sedmdesát
- eighty - osmdesát
- ninety - devadesát
- one hundred - sto
- thousand - tisíc
- one million - milión
Plan a Trip to Czech Republic
If you are interested in sightseeing, studying or working these pages will help you to arrange an experience: