Listings on our Website

We endeavour to provide accurate up to date information and the trips and programs described are to the best of our knowledge run by reputable companies who directly offer these opportunities. Prices and itineraries are subject to change.

Our website is a directory and we do not directly take bookings, for more information you will need to contact the companies listed on One World 365. Before booking please check all information carefully with the company you are booking with. We do not accept any liability for the quality and experience offered on any of the trips and programs advertised on our website.


Copyright Policy

The copyright of this website belongs to One World 365 and we reserve all intellectual property rights. We do not allow you to edit, copy, reproduce, publish, license or sell any information obtained from this website, without prior permission. 



We allow local and international operators to publish information, images and products on our website. Information, images and products displayed on One World 365 are supplied by companies who advertise on our website. We do not assume responsiblity for information and images and are not liable for any copyright infringements. We are also not liable for any injury and/or damage to persons, property or companies caused by actual or alleged infringements, intellectual property, privacy rights, product liability, incorrect information, or libellous statements pubished on our website.


Terms of Use

By using our website website you accept the term of our disclaimer and privacy policy. For any questions please contact us.