There are three hospices: Acorns in Birmingham, Acorns in the Black Country and Acorns in the Three Counties. There is a management and administration offices in Birmingham and 38 charity shops across the region.
Acorns has been awarded Investors in People and prides itself on offering continuous staff development and training opportunities to all employees.
Opportunities for all
Acorns is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sectors of the community. There is a great range of positions within Acorns that require many diverse skills and abilities. We are committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment and the objective of this policy is to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and otherwise treated solely on the basis of relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities.
Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
As an organisation providing care for children and families, we have a duty to ensure all employees are suited to work involving contact with children. All job offers are therefore subject to the satisfactory receipt of references, confirmation of medical suitability, confirmation of professional qualifications and police clearance.
If any special arrangements are required for applicants to attend interviews, Acorns will endeavor to meet those requirements.