The African Conservation Foundation is working towards the protection and conservation of Africa's endangered wildlife and their habitats.
Our work is organised around 5 specific objectives:
Linking conservation initiatives across the continent, and strengthening the networking capacities of research and conservation groups and NGOs.
Providing training, support and technical assistance for conservation groups and NGOs, particularly grassroots, in Africa.
Offering capacity support for sustainable community projects linked with conservation.
Serving as an educational resource centre for the general public, both within and outside of Africa.
Conducting on-the-ground conservation projects.
Our overall mission is to change the approach of the management and utilization of natural resources to one in which the needs of human development in the region are reconciled with biodiversity conservation.
Project Info
Program Duration:
2 weeks - 3 months
Program Costs:
1500 - 2500 $ Dollars (US)
Founded / Established:
Org Type:
Awards / Certification:
Whitley Award
Birds / Birds of Prey / Butterflies / Chimapanzees / Elephants / Gorillas / Mammals / Monkeys / Primates / Rhinos / Tropical Birds
Cloud Forest / Forest / Grassland / Mangrove Coastal / Mountains / National Park / Nature Park / Rainforest / Savannah / Tropical Forest / Volcanoes / Wetlands
Volunteer Support:
Volunteers should expect to gain exposure to current fieldwork and processes and the working methods of small independent NGOs. The focus is to provide volunteers with the opportunity to assist in research projects, great apes surveys and attend workshops and meetings with local communities and schools. Training will be provided in great apes surveys and biodiversity monitoring, use of GPS and navigation tools, data collection, and environmental education.
Volunteer Safety:
The volunteer coordinators will safeguard your health, safety and welfare and will provide you with the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to help you stay safe. First aid kits are available, as well as an emergency evacuation plan. A hospital run by European doctors is nearby.