Amigos de Jesús is a home for abandoned, abused and impoverished children in rural Honduras. Located on 200 acres of rural farmland, the property consist of ten homes for children, residences for our staff and volunteers, our school, chapel and working farm.

Founded in 1997 by Christine and Anthony Granese, a North American couple and Father Dennis O’Donnell, an Archdiocesan priest from Philadelphia, PA, Amigos de Jesús supports over 140 children in a loving, safe environment for children to grow and learn.

Amigos de Jesús organization also financially supports the care and education of over 400 children living in local villages and shelters in Guyana, Tanzania and Argentina.


Volunteer in Honduras

There are a variety of ways you can volunteer at Amigos de Jesús. They include:

  • Long Term Opportunities
  • Short Term Opportunities
  • Summer Volunteer Opportunities
  • Paid International Education Fellowship


Long Term Opportunities

Amigos de Jesús volunteers work and live alongside our Honduran staff and children. They contribute to the transformation of each of our children with their energy, creativity, commitment, teamwork and unconditional love for our children. 

Amigos de Jesús volunteers don’t come for a job, they come because they are called to love our children. Each volunteer does this in a unique way while embodying the Amigos de Jesús Family Values:


Short Term Opportunities

Individuals interested in serving at Amigos de Jesús who are not able to make a long-term commitment have several options to serve our children.

Amigos de Jesús is offering our friends the opportunity to travel to Honduras and serve our children. Each trip is limited to 8-10 volunteers. Short-term volunteers stay on the grounds of Amigos de Jesús. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Each participant purchases his or her own airline ticket and pays a $250 fee for room, board, and transportation to and from the airport in Honduras. 

All short-term volunteers must be open to serving where needed, to living in simple conditions (cold water showers, washing clothes by hand, nutritious but basic meals with the children), to serving in a faith-based (Catholic) environment including regular reflections and prayer periods, and to serving as role models for our children.


Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Summer volunteers run an English immersion summer camp with our children in grades K-4. The focus is on English skills, water safety, recreation and summer fun.  The summer volunteer term of service is from June 20 - August 11. The summer camp commitment is a total of seven and a half weeks, which includes a short orientation/training on site. If you are unable to commit to the full seven and a half weeks, you can apply to serve for a shorter session: Session One: June 20 - July 21, Session Two: July 14 - August 11. Preference will be given to those applicants who can serve the full seven and a half week commitment.