Since 2012, Balloon has helped 3000 entrepreneurs across 9 countries to start-up or grow businesses. Through countless hours of teaching, testing, and iterating, we have created a curriculum that translates interests into ideas, and ideas into realities.

Balloon Ventures defeats poverty through growing businesses that create good jobs where they are needed most.

We operate through two organisations, a social enterprise and a charity, working as partners to achieve our shared goals.


Our Mission

Balloon Ventures exists to capitalise and grow high potential small businesses in East Africa.

We believe every small business that can grow, should grow.

For us, businesses that can grow have more than just good business fundamentals. They are driven forward by brilliant, dependable leaders who are deeply committed to realising growth.

And growth goes way beyond the bottom line. It means providing good quality jobs in poverty reducing sectors that are attractive, accessible and attainable for the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in any community.