Enroll in the project and help the Masai to fight the poverty.The Masai live in the same arid Rift Valley region in Tanzania and Kenya.They often own large herds of cattle,sheep and goats,which they follow around seasonaly in search of better and new grazing and water source.The Masai needs education,infrastructures development and any more projects to improve their lives.This Project s ideal for any one who wants to help the Masai community,you will gain practical experience of working in child care.You will spend your time volunteering within the purpose built Kindergarten that was constructed to provide day care for children within the Masai Community.You will provide simple English lessons,get involved with the music dance,art and play an active role with the general care of children.Remember volunteering with Masai children allows you to give back to the community while experiencing the beauty of Masai culture and life style.