You could be spending your time helping local teachers train students in intercultural communication skills as well as running supplementary after-school activities for students; work as part of the team in grass-roots, rural “not-for-profit organisations” to help run English language classes for locals, coordinate extra-curricular activities for youth, facilitate workshops on “community building” in schools and community centres, work with orphans and disabled children;  spending time on Vietnamese islands in order to help protect the wide variety of natural ecosystems and biodiversity through running activities to raise awareness among youth and local people about environmental issues / climate change etc.

Why Apply

To experience different cultures, ideas and beliefs and also share your work alongside local people in local communities, thus gaining a real insight into their country, cultures and learn new skills and broaden your meet new people and explore new be part of a global movement working towards equality and peace between all make a difference even when you only have a short amount of time to spare.

When to Go

The main short term programme for the summer, with projects in over 60 countries world wide, is available on our website every year at the end on March. Opportunities are available in winter and spring as well. If you want more information don't hesitate to contact the office.

How to Apply

Contact us now to know more about what projects are available now. Places are filling up fast, so don't wait too long to book your project! 

What Our Volunteers Say

"An Amazing experience - I met so many people and the wark was so satisying. It was tough at the time but now I reflect back I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Even as an older volunteer everyone was great."(Nichola, social project in Vietnam)

"My time on this project was indeed the best two weeks of my life! In know that sounds chliched but I have never enjoyed myself more and would love to go back. If you like working with kids then this is the project of dreams. Thank you very much"(Thomas, renovation project in Vietnam)