The strength of a group of people, who decided to unify their motivation and experiences.

DaLaa wants to bring people from all over the world together. We organize projects where volunteers can work and live together. Doing voluntary work together, sharing ideas and exchanging different ways of working. It is our wish that by working, living and laughing together, we can make a tribute to a better world, with more cultural understanding.

DaLaa is registered as member of two international networks:
NVDA Network Voluntary Development in Asia

CCIVS Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (a branch of UNESCO)


Volunteers are participating in projects and activities. We want volunteers from Thailand and International volunteers to work together.

We hope that the Thai and International volunteers, once they get to know DaLaa, will become members.

Volunteer Profile

* Good motivation (no special skills are needed).
* Open mind (respect and willingness to understand other cultures and backgrounds).
* Knowledge of English language and willingness to speak English (and Thai!).
* Responsibility for the project.
* Willing to adapt and enjoy simple conditions of living.
* Willing to work and live together, make friendship with local people and other volunteers, let's try to make this world a nicer place to live in!!