At last official count there are a minimum of 20 named dive sites in the southern waters of Belize, off Placencia, bursting with untouched coral and abundant fish life. We are still discovering new sites every day!
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Always wanted to learn to dive? Why not book a course in the UK! There are dive centres located throughout the countr...
Despite being one of the smallest countries in Central America, Belize is one of the best to go diving party due to h...
The USA is such a good scuba diving destination due to being surrounded by the Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexic...
Search and apply for jobs in Belize. View our guide to working in Belize for foreigners, with information about appli...
Going diving allows you to escape your world, see beautiful coral reefs, explore underwater caves, photograph exotic ...
Search and compare the best tours of Belize from top rated local and international travel operators. Most trips will let...