We use trains to speed us safely and comfortably between cities so you have the maximum time exploring. 

What to Expect - Rome – Monaco – Paris – Vienna – Barcelona and more…

Our fully escorted tours starts in London at the beginning of July and August, meet the team from our office in a traditional English Pub before a day’s sightseeing around London.



Before you join our Gapforce European Adventure you will be fully briefed by us. Your own password protected data vault provides all the information you need on clothing, visa, safety and more.


On Arrival

We are based in London, your first couple of days will combine exploring London (UK) with the correct safety and welcome briefing, how we will travel, what back up is available and how we will behave in each country we visit.

Then across the Channel (ferry included) to Paris (France), Barcelona (Spain) for our first exclusive Gapforce Escape Day, a unique chance to go one step further than a traditional tour.

The Cote D’Azur (France), Monte Carlo (Monaco), Florence, Rome and the sunken city of Venice (Italy) are all 1 or 2 days overnight exploring points during your first two weeks.

Week three continues from Venice up to Vienna (Austria) and on into the former communist Eastern Europe with two nights in Prague (Czech Republic) and then the former divided city of Berlin (Germany), a very popular destination with amazing history and nightlife. Next is Amsterdam (Netherlands) for many, the highlight of our group adventure and then via Belgium we finish back in London.