We pioneered short-term service-learning programs in 1984 to engage volunteers in meaningful development projects around the world. To date, we have mobilized over 32,000 volunteers in over 30 countries.
You can volunteer abroad as a family, group, individual, or couple. Your unique skills, guided by our respected philosophy of service, are valuable resources on life-giving community projects.
We're serious about service. Reach out. Lend a hand in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, North American, South America, or the South Pacific. We prepare you to serve.
Our community partners welcome you as family. You experience daily life as local people live it. And, you return home with deep informed insights on your place in the world.
Serve in homes, classrooms, clinics, community centers, hospitals, orphanages, childcare centers, libraries, government offices, farm fields and wherever service and learning occurs. Exceed your expectations.
Volunteer abroad for one, two or three weeks, and help others reach their highest potential.