G.A.P. is a project of the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA), formed in 1981 in response to the need for national coordination voiced by Guatemalan activists in the U.S.
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Find structured, free & low cost volunteer opportunities in Guatemala with international and local charities, NGO's, ...
Studying Spanish in Guatemala will give you the opportunity to integrate into a new culture, meet new people and experie...
Mexico is one of the most popular destinations in Central America with incredible ancient ruins. If you would like to...
Guatemala is an amazing destination where you will get to see volcanoes, ecosystems, scenic towns and ancient Mayan r...
Guatamala is an increasingly popular country to visit where you can chill out in the idyllic beach town of Tilapita, do ...
Are you looking to travel overseas and looking for a destination which you are worried about visiting because of it's...