At the Hub in South Africa and Kachele in Zambia, we live and serve together, following the call of Jesus to live in community and follow him not as individuals, but as the Body of Christ. We are different ages, cultures and personalities. We have very different testimonies of our walks with Christ, but we all feel called to serve the most vulnerable here in Africa.



Volunteers from varied backgrounds and ages around the world comprise the Hands at Work team, which mobilises, equips and supports the local church across Africa to transform the lives of Africa’s most vulnerable children.

We invite you to consider investing a year of your life on behalf of Africa’s most vulnerable by being part of this team impacting people in over 60 communities in 8 countries. Come with an open heart and be willing to learn and to serve in whatever way is needed.

Hands at Work volunteers serve the long-term local workers as “scaffolding”: a temporary, but essential tool in building a structure and leaving it stronger than upon arrival.


Bring a Team - 1 - 3 Weeks

Come with a team of people ready to get your hands dirty in Africa. Gather your friends, co-workers, small group, or members of your church to participate with a Hands at Work project in Africa for a two or three-week experience. Hands at Work receives dozens of international teams yearly, and supports teams in preparatory training as well as project preparation, to ensure an impacting, transformative experience. 


Join a Team - 2 - 4 Weeks

Join a team of individuals from around the world organised and facilitated by Hands at Work, for two to four weeks of serving and seeking the heart of God in poor and vulnerable villages in Africa, based at our Hub in South Africa.