After 15 years, we recognise that the travel industry needs reinvention to remain relevant in times where everyone has access to everyone else. It's a challenge that all of us need to address.

At Idex we do that by creating travel that provides exceptional value to the travellers in return of their “investment” – value, that cannot simply be bought off the internet.

And what we offer is volunteering and authentic cultural travel for personal development, fulfillment and finding meaning or purpose in life.

When you travel with Idex, you get to

1. Experience beautiful, exotic locations
2. Make new friends from all over the world
3. Travel safely – from airport to airport
4. Participate in volunteering programs
5. Get lots of experiences in low costs
6. Enhance your resume through certificate of participation
7. Mix volunteering and great travel experiences
8. Experience real, authentic culture
9. Meet “real” local people
10. Help others (people, animals, projects) in need
11. Develop self confidence, maturity, real world skills, patience, cross cultural understanding and team work