Since 1942, people from all backgrounds have been visiting Koinonia (pronounced Coy No Knee Uh) and since the 1950s we've been shipping products through our mail order business, which today includes pecans, chocolate, and much more.

Learn about our history, our community life and work today, and how you can get involved by visiting, interning, or donating!


Our Mission

We are Christians called to live together in intentional community sharing a life of prayer, work, study, service and fellowship. We seek to embody peacemaking, sustainability, and radical sharing. While honoring people of all backgrounds and faiths, we strive to demonstrate the way of Jesus as an alternative to materialism, militarism and racism.


Internship Program

We offer internships for those interested in seeking an experience in our shared life of prayer, work, study, service, and fellowship. It is not a traditional internship. Though there will be work assignments, it is not a “work” or a “farm” internship but, rather, it is more holistic in nature — it is an immersion into a way of life.

We welcome applications from adults of all ages from all backgrounds, faiths and no faith.

There are three main components to the program: Educational, Spiritual, and Service.

Interns meet regularly for study. The curriculum covers a variety subjects from environmental justice to Church History to fair trade to scripture to sustainable farming to peacemaking and so forth.

Koinonia functions as a house church similar to the early Christians as described in the Acts of the Apostles. There are daily chapel, devotion and prayer times, scripture reading, spiritual practices such as centering prayer, walks in nature and Examen. There is always a great deal of fellowship and breaking of bread.

Interns serve both on and off the farm in a wide variety of ways, depending on the season and the ministries with which Koinonia is involved. The main ministries, which keep us rooted on the farm are hospitality, the internship and sustainable farming. At present, off the farm, we are involved with immigration issues, prison and jail reform, serving at the local food bank and more. We operate a professional bakery, have an online store and are always responding to the needs and challenges of the time.

Currently, the internship terms are seasonal: February to May, June to August and September to January. During the seasonal internship, one may apply for an additional one-year term. The internship begins with a week-long orientation, which includes learning about the history of Koinonia and understanding the daily activities of our life together. Koinonia provides housing, a common meal at noon on weekdays (also on some Saturdays), basic groceries for other meals and a modest allowance for those who may need it.