This wonderful program’s aim is to simply provide care to animals in need.  Volunteers are urgently needed to contribute their time and energy at a wonderful Animal Rescue Shelter. The shelter, situated in a village in the suburbs of the city of Tirana, was set up to rescue the sick, injured and endangered animals of Tirana and the wider region. The shelter provides these animals with safe haven - a loving and caring home – and it is the only animal shelter in the entire region!  Sadly, there are horrifying incidents every day where injured, sick, or mistreated animals require rescue and immediate care. The shelter takes care of these animals. There are currently approximately 200 animals at this centre, and as it receives no government support, it relies heavily on donations from kind-hearted individuals and the assistance of international volunteers to stay in operation.

Goals of this Project:

  • Provide a safe place for mis-treated animals  
  • Provide medical attention and rehabilitation to animals who have been injured   
  • Provide a home for animals without one and who would suffer otherwise
  • Provide an opportunity for cross cultural exchange between volunteers and locals