This wonderful project was created with the goal of helping to improve the English speaking abilities and the IT skill level of students in the Sri Lankan town of Badulla. Volunteers on this project will work with local teachers to support children in their efforts to learn English and IT skills.

The aim of the project is to lay a good foundation for students and depending on the volunteer’s skill areas, activities tend to include delivering lessons in basic computer skills, and teaching English at different levels. English is becoming increasingly important for students in Sri Lanka, however a shortage of teachers in the language is making it hard to access this important skill.

An ability to speak English is hugely beneficial to youth, allowing them to pursue further education opportunities and to seek employment where English is an advantage, such as the tourism sector. 


Goals of this Project:

  • Provide free lessons to children and youth to help them improve their English language skills
  • Expose non-English speakers to native English speakers in order to improve pronunciation and conversational skills
  • Improve the future prospects of some of Sri Lanka’s most impoverished people, and help them to break the poverty cycle
  • Expose volunteers and children to different people and cultures