Our vision is to move mountains for people to succeed and improve their quality of life. We believe that people who are educated and healthy and recognized as equal global citizens have greater opportunities.


Our Mission

  • We want to help people enjoy equality and equal opportunity, and have a positive impact on society.
  • We want to help people achieve their potential and become the architects of their own success.
  • We want to challenge prejudice and stereotyping and create a fair model of development with our partners.
  • We aim for a democratic and non-prescriptive model of development which begins with people, attitudes and relationships.
  • We work with local stakeholders to find solutions to social, environmental and economic challenges, and are of a team where collaboration is the key.
  • We are underpinned by a duty to protect human rights and to promote social justice and equality for everyone



Volunteering in Borneo, Nepal or Kenya with Moving Mountains is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a foreign culture while giving back to the communities. We are always looking for skilled volunteers to help us with a wide variety of tasks including data collection, teaching, child education, medicine, and much more. If you’re looking for a career break, you're just out of university, or you’re hoping to begin a career in development, we encourage you to apply to volunteer in Kenya or volunteer in Nepal with Moving Mountains.