M+Power is an opportunity for short-term, cross-cultural volunteer service in the Eurasia Region of the Church of the Nazarene Global Missions.


Are you ready to be a servant?

Being a volunteer missionary means learning what it means to be a servant. And being a servant means having the attitude that you are willing to do any activity that helps to spreadthe gospel. It also means that you love people in the name of Jesus, despite their skin color, social background or nationality. It implies that you perform as a co-laborer in the mission with other missionaries and national Christians.

Being a servant means you may not be doing things that are glamorous or fun or comfortable. They might be boring or tedious or hard. They might go without recognition or thanks. But if they need to be done for the sake of the mission, you do them with your best effort and without complaint.

If you’ve been assigned a job or task that you genuinely do not know how to do, or know you will not do well, it is appropriate to explain that while you certainly want to serve, you know that this task deserves to be done with competence and skill, and you feel you have less than what it takes. Then ask if there is something else you can do instead, or if you can work on this task alongside someone who has more skill and experience, so you can learn from them.

Even if not at first, over time you will experience joy in imitating the example Jesus set for you.

We believe that God calls His people into cross-cultural mission from every nation, culture and language, from every age group, every economic status, and every educational level. Jesus says in John 20: 21: ‘As the Father has sent me, even so I’m sending you’

The model of missions that we see in the life of Jesus, is Jesus coming down from heaven to us, in order to show who God is.

We are God’s ambassadors!