... both locally and internationally, through the provision of health and public health services, capacity building, and resource enhancement.

Planet Care/Global Health Access Program thanks our generous donors for support! Your donations have allowed for the expansion of our efforts to support humanitarian efforts in eastern Burma and supported new endeavors on the China and India borders with Burma.


Each year, Planet Care/GHAP accepts a carefully-selected small group of interns to assist us in managing and implementing our programs on the Burma borders. We typically look for a six month to one year commitment, a public health or medical degree, and prior international experience. We also occasionally utilize administrative volunteers in our Berkeley, California office. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.

Current available positions:

* Health Information Systems Coordinator
* Administrative Manager

Physicians, nurse practictioners, or midwives with prior international health experience.
Public health degree with prior international experience.
Database management and data analysis skills.
Computer network maintenance, website development and maintenance, video editing.
Human rights documentation experience.