Every placement is suited to each volunteer’s individual level of knowledge and experience. This puts you in the best position enabling you to really make a difference. Many people in the developing world do not have access to regular dental care and lack knowledge about basic daily oral hygiene. As a result, you are likely to see cases that are more advanced than in Western countries.
Whether you are working in a hospital or a clinic your role is very important. You will not only enhance your own knowledge, but also give back to local communities by providing care and advice. As a volunteer, you will become part of a team. You will work alongside the local staff, observing procedures.
We also offer placements for elective students and professional roles for qualified volunteers with professional experience. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss these options in more detail.
How to apply?
- Feel free to give us a call or email - we have a friendly team ready to answer your questions!
- When you're ready to apply you can complete an application form on the Projects Abroad website.
- A deposit of £195 is required with your application. We will immediately acknowledge receipt of your application and deposit payment.