We have over 20 years of experience collaborating with medical professionals in the developing world. Therefore your elective placement is certain to be a rewarding experience in whichever country you decide to visit. Due to limited resources in the hospitals and clinics in which you will work, medical staff are always eager to receive extra help and expertise.
Students will find themselves assisting patients who have conditions rarely seen in the developed world, such as leprosy and polio. Patients often lack the money to pay for treatment so cases are usually more advanced than those seen in western hospitals. Elective students will be expected to use the skills and knowledge they have acquired so far to care for patients and advise less experienced volunteers. Projects Abroad will provide students with a well-qualified supervisor at the placement.
Many elective students may also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and medical outreach programmes in the local community. If you have any specialisms or specific departments you would like to work in we can often accommodate for this - feel free to get in touch with us to find out the best options for you!
If you are not a university student, please see our standard Medicine & Healthcare projects.
How to apply?
- Feel free to give us a call or email - we have a friendly team ready to answer your questions!
- When you're ready to apply you can complete an application form on the Projects Abroad website.
- A deposit of £195 is required with your application. We will immediately acknowledge receipt of your application and deposit payment.