OCN is looking for a volunteer web designer to support us with improving and maintaining our website. In this volunteer role, you would be responsible for creating and uploading content to our website, updating the design and structure of the website when necessary and ensuring that OCN has a strong online presence. You would be supervised by the Assistant Manager for Marketing and Volunteers or our Marketing Coordinator through skype meetings every other week and email contact.
Most practical courses in universities and colleges take approximately two years to complete.
Self-employment is a an amazing opportunity to quit a career you don't like and change the direction of your life.
Do you love to travel? Would you like to document your trips? Or keen to try this as a career?
Mobility and a high level of self-responsibility for your job tasks are a new reality for the current job market. The nu...
An internship program in Ireland is perfect if you are looking to gain work experience and boost your career. If you ...