Whether you want to get to grips with the fundamentals of Russian or simply connect with family/friends Rosetta Stone's comprehensive and enjoyable language learning courses will have you speaking Russian sooner than you might think.

Learning to speak Russian can open up so many doors when it comes to travelling or building social relationships, and with Rosetta Stone's mobile on-the-go learning, time needn't be a factor. This course is perfect if you're learning to enhance your career, you're moving to Russia or you just want to experience new cultures, Rosetta Stone makes the world more accessible. 

Our courses help you learn through conversation and interaction rather than by simply remembering phrases – and there's no class to keep up with, so you can learn at your own pace.


Online Subscription

  • Complete online access to all CD-ROM/Download lessons, features and benefits
  • Mobile Apps for tablets and smart phones. Plus interactive group and solo games
  • Live online tutoring with up to 4 sessions per month with tutors who are native speakers



  • Interactive lessons introduce functional vocabulary and phrases
  • Unlimited access that never expires
  • Available as a CD-ROM or Download