We're always happy to hear from anyone who is interested in giving some time to volunteer at SANE. There are a variety of ways that you can get involved:

Our mental health helpline provides emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness. If you can give 4 hours per week for at least one year to volunteer on SANEline, click here for more information.

Our email service SANEmail provides an alternative channel of support for those affected by mental health issues. To volunteer for 4 hours per week on SANEmail, click here.

SANEmail Young Persons Panel
The Young Persons Panel (YP Panel) involves a group of 16-25 year olds in the implementation and development of SANEmail. If you?re interested in becoming a member of this panel, click here for more information.

Service User Group
SANE believes those who benefit from the charity should be able to influence and inform decisions made by the charity. So the SUG has been set up to ensure the work of SANE continues to reflect the views of ? and make a positive difference to ? anyone affected by mental illness. If you are interested in joining this group, click here for more information.

Speakers ? mental health professionals and service users

As part of the Volunteer Training Course for SANEline and SANEmail we ask mental health service users or carers to come and speak to trainees about their personal experiences of mental illness. This would be an opportunity for you to share your experiences and provide our trainees with a deeper understanding of mental illness in a personal context.

We also ask mental health professional to come and speak to volunteers as part of our on-going training programme in order to give volunteers an insight into the day-to-day role of mental health professionals. We are particularly looking for Psychiatrists, CPNs and ASWs.

For more information about either of these opportunities please call 020 7422 5539 or email volunteer@sane.org.uk.

Admin/Office Volunteer

We sometimes have opportunities for people to help out in the office with admin tasks. These opportunities are usually for at least one day per week (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) and for a minimum of 3 months. To find out if there are any current opportunities please call 020 7422 5539 or email volunteer@sane.org.uk