Our company was founded in 1996 to provide diving, fishing and snorkeling tours for Belize City visitors. Sea Sports Belize is Belize City's first 5 Star PADI Center.
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Despite being one of the smallest countries in Central America, Belize is one of the best to go diving party due to h...
Search and compare the best tours of Belize from top rated local and international travel operators. Most trips will let...
Search and apply for jobs in Belize. View our guide to working in Belize for foreigners, with information about appli...
Belize is a small but spectacular country located in Central America with Mexico to the North and Guatemala to the So...
Belize is an up and coming destination and also a popular stop off with people traveling through Central America. Vie...
Belize has a population of around 350,000 and around 40% live below the poverty line and there is a need for internation...