A land of sensory overload, cultural extremes, and extraordinary beauty and mystery, India has become one of the most desirable destintions to travel and volunteer. Its sheer size and dynamic, complex population combines with fascinating wildlife and a mystical and pervasive heritage filled with tales of ancient gods, kings and queens to make it a place that will transform your perspectives and realign your priorities.

Almost impossible to fully appreciate in one visit, you can gain an insight into the lives of some of India's poorest and most vulnerable children. Once you have completed your project why not travel the country and see world famous Goa, a mecca for hippies and travellers alike with its gorgeous beaches, discover majestic Rajasthan with its impressive forests and wildlife, or see story book palaces, tumultuous markets and intricately decorated elephants in Mysore. This truly will be a once in a lifetime trip that you will never forget!



There are millions of street children and working children in India. Many have suffered neglect and abuse at the hands of family members or are addicted to sniffing glue or other narcotics or are sold into slavery.

The local police forcibly house the children into shelters, from where many subsequently run away. This might be because shelters are centres of abuse or because children have developed a mistrustful attitude towards caretakers. They don’t understand that they need to be cared for, or believe that they could possibly have a future to look forward to.

Also, the quality of education for children from underprivileged backgrounds is very poor in India. Even where basic education is provided, in many cases the creative, physical and key skills education is completely neglected. You’ll help these children to reach their true potential and bring joy to their lives by teaching, playing football, singing songs, and doing arts and crafts with them - a truly rewarding and enriching experience.



As part of your volunteer experience, you will work with neglected or outcast children at a school or shelter. Your activities could involve helping with study and education, making music and art together, or playing games and sports together, whatever you are interested in, use your initiative!

Schedules are not strictly structured and there is plenty of room for you to use your creativity and implement your own ideas. You will discover the enormity of the difficulties these marginalised children face each day and bring them some unfamiliar attention and some much deserved affection.