Top Reasons to Intern in Shanghai

  • Shanghai is one of the best cities to intern in China
  • International city with modern shops, restaurants and entertainment
  • Thousands of foreigners working and interning here
  • World known brands and businesses based here
  • Tasty food
  • Boost your career - this experience will look fantastic on your CV



Some local agencies have become global and expanded their operations most regions of the world, allowing not only European students, but students of all nationalities to have a reputable secure internship in one of the most magnificent cities in the world. Agencies which offer structured internship programs in Shanghai create a "team-feeling" among students. Weekly activities are usually arranged for students who wanted to be part of the local culture and learn more about the city. Activities are a great way to meet other people and do fun things like play soccer, poker or simply go to a restaurant and discuss placements and career goals.


Internships in Shanghai with International Agencies

Absolute Internship are one of the most popular agencies offering internships in Shanghai. They were founded by two European college students while studying in China. The students wanted to create something special, unique, to help other students find an internship, preferably in China in order for international students to gain a valuable international experience they wouldn't come across back home. They wanted students to be part of a team, because the team would always support and help each team member - Team Absolute Intern was created.

The connections within companies increased more and more, and the founders decided to commercialize Absolute Internship. They started to charge a small fee for each team member they could send on an internship. After almost a year, the founders decided to work entirely for Absolute Internship. An office was then open in Hong Kong and in Shanghai, where most of the activity is based, and a website was launched. Enrollment in the Team Absolute Intern continues to expand, proof that students worldwide are having fantastic experiences and are spreading the word about our winning team. Are you an Absolute Intern?



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